вторник, 29 декабря 2020 г.
Не принуждать, а убеждать (Афанасий Александрийский, IV век)
(Athanasius of Alexandria, Against the Arians, 4th century)
"Не мечем и стрелами, не с помощью воинов возвещается истина, но убеждением и советом... Ибо богочестию свойственно, как говорили мы, не принуждать, а убеждать".
(Афанасий Александрийский, Против Ариан, IV век, http://www.golden-ship.ru/knigi/9/afanasij_vel_tvorenija_2.htm)
четверг, 19 ноября 2020 г.
What if they don't speak English?
You are a minister, or an active member of a Christian church, and there are people in your church who don't speak much English. Or there are people in the wider community whom you would like to reach out to - and they don't have much English.
What do you do?
Here are some general pointers which hopefully you will find helpful.
- Love them - not in a patronising, feel-sorry-for-you kind of way, but in a Christian, sharing-fellowship, I-enjoy-spending-time-with-you kind of way.
- Be genuinely interested in them, learning to ask sympathetic questions they will find it easy to answer.
- Have your eyes open all the time that some things might be strange or even unacceptable. Don't assume that people agreeing to things or smiling means that they are comfortable.
- When they want to tell you something, listen. Be patient, try all sorts of ways to help them get across what they want to say.
- Learn to speak English in a way which is easy for non-native speakers to follow. Speak a bit slower and pronounce words clearly. Use words they know and avoid phraseology which might be confusing.
- See if there are ways you can proactively find out about their language and culture.
- Make sure they have a Bible and other Christian literature in their own language.
- Make sure they have the option of being in touch with other believers who share their native language.
- Give them opportunities to express their faith in their heart language. It might be reading a passage or praying out loud in their language, sharing a song or expressing their faith in some artistic way.
- Learn some words in their language - or try to take it up as a foreign language.
- When you teach the Bible (eg sermon, small group meeting), find out what it says in their translation - and how that might help you communicate with them.
- Draw on links with churches and ministers in their home country who could advise you or offer other help.
- Consider setting up an affinity group at your church, where foreign-language speakers can interact in their own language, whilst making sure they maintain a strong link with the majority English-medium church.
- Create opportunities for them to share their cuisine - with you and others at the church. (This is my personal favourite tip!)
- Work harder than usual to help them integrate with others in the church, rather than becoming isolated individuals or an inward-looking clique.
- Always be prepared for them returning to their country of origin and being able to engage with the church there, not becoming 'foreigners in their own country'.
- Have the self-awareness that a lot of what we do is culturally conditioned - legitimate and helpful in our cultural setting, but not universal across cultures.
- Don't apologise for using English, or for your English-speaking culture; unity is a two-way street.
суббота, 22 августа 2020 г.
La naissance du français (Le troisième concile de Tours)
Cet événement démontre aussi que déjà au IXe siècle il y avait une prédication pour le peuple dans leur propre langue et donc une traduction, au moins orale, des Saintes Ecritures dans la langue vernaculaire au sein de l'Église chrétienne occidentale.
воскресенье, 19 июля 2020 г.
Feasibility in moral theology
Let me begin by addressing the issue theologically. I do so, since the author expressly sets out to critique the “conservative Christian” stance. He argues that, since singleness, as an alternative to opposite-sex marriage, requires "supernatural help", it cannot be morally binding. Theologically, this is the Pelagian heresy, namely the notion that people are naturally able to fulfil the moral law without recourse to divine aid. Christianity teaches that all moral obligations require divine aid to be fulfilled. Granted, "supernatural help" can only be voluntarily embraced. However, for many I know voluntary singleness belongs in the same category as sacrificial love, patience, fidelity in relationships, truth-telling – i.e. something practised as they walk the narrow path of reliance upon divine grace.
Now, let me also address the argument from a moral philosophy point of view.
Firstly, the argument that singleness is not morally obligatory because it is “not practically feasible”, evidently opens itself to refutation, depending on the definition of “feasibility”. By implication, if singleness can be shown to be feasible, it follows that it could be a moral obligation. Singleness is certainly statistically feasible; in many modern societies over 50% of households are single-person households, not to mention single-parent families. It is unhelpful to suggest all these people are living “loveless” lives, for which a romantic relationship would be a panacea, and to dismiss other forms of relational engagement.
Secondly, “feasibility”, by any definition, is a flawed criterion for identifying right and wrong. We would not apply it in other cases. Someone might find social distancing unbearable or their own inner racist sentiments insuperable. Another person might feel drawn into inappropriate and damaging relationships or compelled to succumb to addictive behaviour. It might be argued that the good is not “feasible” in these cases. But it is not a requirement for the good to be "easy to do" or that "most people can do it". We only ever fulfil our moral responsibility partially and imperfectly; that does not change what is right or wrong.
I want to express my support for those of all circumstances and sexual orientations practising singleness as an alternative to opposite-sex marriage.
среда, 8 июля 2020 г.
VII. Монте Кассино (глава VII из книги "20 этапов от Эфеса до края земли")
Свято место пусто не бывает
Варвары многократно вторгались в Рим, и в итоге в 476 правитель-варвар Одоакр низложил последнего римского императора. Теперь Европой правят разные государства народов-«варваров», такие как остготы, визиготы, бургунды, лангобарды, исповедующие христианство в искаженном виде арианства (см. гл. V). А вся римская цивилизация рухнула, оставляя за собой «пустое место». «Пустое место» заполнила церковь. Отличительная черта средневековья в том, что общество находилось под монополией единой церкви («христианский мир»). Начиная с младенческого крещения, вся жизнь человека проходила в сопровождении церкви через семь таинств («обряды перехода») и человек воспринимал свой жизненный путь и место в обществе в рамках христианского мировоззрения.
Папа римский
Во главе западной церкви стоял епископ города Рим: папа Римский. «Папа» означает «патриарх», которых было пять: Рим, Константиполь, Антиохия. Александрия, Иерусалим. Будучи епископом столичного города, папа был патриархом всего запада: ему подчинялись все епископы и вся западная церковь. Более того, папа считал себя «первым» среди патриархов христианской церкви и все больше претендовал на власть над всей церковью.
Обретения и потери
В VII и VIII веках христианство процветало в монастырях Ирландии и Нортумбрии (север Англии). Были важные монастыри в Арме, Бангоре, Ионе, Линдисфарне. известным ученым этого периода был Беда (+736).
Благодать и филиокве
Важнейший вопрос в западном богословии – взаимоотношение между Божьей благодатью и свободной волей человека.
Расселл Филлипс (2020)
пятница, 19 июня 2020 г.
Now, I want to share some thoughts on the issue of 'race'.
Firstly, when people pre-17th century spoke of race, they were not talking about skin colour. Race meant 'language and culture'. That is what was meant in Roman times and what Winston Churchill meant when he entitled his history of the British Isles, 'Island Race'. We need to recognise that the diversity of humanity is not only, or even primarily, biological. Differences in language and culture may be far more significant.
Secondly, it is popular today to say, "There is only one race: the human race." That makes a lot of sense to me. Interestingly for me as a Christian, the very basis for this assertion, namely the monogenesis of the human race from a single couple, i.e. Eve and her husband, Adam (see Acts 17:26), long maligned and ridiculed, is being taken for granted in public discourse. Historically, it was, among other things, the multi-genesis theories of human origins which facilitated racial discrimination.

Here are some ways we could talk about 'races':
- Phenotypes. Basically this boils down to shared biological characteristics. I remember when my Chinese friend, who used the name Anatoly in Russia, pointed out to me that my eyes were set back in deep eye sockets, unlike his which were on the surface of his face. It's obvious when you think about it. Again, interestingly for evolutionary theory, in many cases biological similarities cannot be attributed to shared ancestry.
- Clades. Another term for this would be "ancestrally differentiated populations"; a clade is the set of all those people descended from a common ancestor. Templeton (1998) gives the following, interesting qualification, "Human population groups are not monophyletic, as there appears to always have been considerable gene flow between human populations." Interestingly, Walsh and Yun observe, "Genetic studies using very few chromosomal loci find that genetic polymorphisms divide human populations into clusters with almost 100 percent accuracy and that they correspond to the traditional anthropological categories." Those categories would be the 3-5 traditional 'races': Negroid (Black) race.and Capoid (Bushmen/Hottentots) races; Mongoloid (Oriental/Amerindian) and Australoid (Australian Aborigine and Papuan) races; and the Caucasoid (White) race. In traditional Christian thought, these were associated with the three sons of Noah: Ham, Shem and Japheth.
Let me finish by reiterating that this is not 'racism by the backdoor'. I want to draw on knowledge to find ways to acknowledge and celebrate the biological diversity of the human race.
"Y de una sangre ha hecho todo el linaje de los hombres, para que habiten sobre toda la faz de la tierra." (Hechos 17:26)
вторник, 9 июня 2020 г.
Guard the good deposit (tradition)
Something else which often comes up is tradition. Perhaps not surprisingly, young Christians, that is to say Christians who are starting out in their Christian walk and still "learning the ropes" often have no time for what they see to be 'dead tradition'. For them is all about the Bible. When presented with particular truths or practices, a common response is, "I can't see that in the Bible." One is reminded of Admiral Nelson, looking through the telescope with his blind eye: "I see no ships."
It struck me once again, that we do our newborns a disservice, when, besides rejoicing in their conversion, we give them the impression that novelty and unbridled radicalism ('convert's zeal') is everything. While child-like faith is commended by the Lord, and rightly so, the Apostles are constantly exhorting newborns to crave spiritual milk, strive towards maturity - and follow the pattern (typos) given by those more mature in the faith.
A lot of it comes down to a misplaced rejection of tradition. Of course, human traditions are condemned by the Lord in respect of the Pharisees, and, under the Old Testament, by Isaiah and others. But, in so doing, the Lord and prophets were not berating a misplaced faithfulness to the past or insistence on Ancient Truth, but rather an innovation that had become fossilised. The answer to such bad tradition is not the rejection of tradition, but the rediscovery of what tradition really is.
So, what do I mean by tradition? I certainly don't mean ways of doing things that no-one can explain and everyone must adhere to, and certainly not doing things for their own sake without appreciating the meaning. By tradition I mean what the Apostle Paul refers to when he says the following:
"What I received from the Lord, I also handed on [paradokeo, "traditioned"] to you" (1 Corinthians 11:23)
"What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as if you did not?" (1 Corinthians 4:7)

"So then brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter." (2 Thesssalonians 2:15)
"What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus. Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you - guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us." (2 Timothy 1:13-14)
"And the things you heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others." (2 Timothy 2:2)
Tradition is not about extra-Biblical content beyond Scripture; it is about how we receive Scripture - and we do so by someone handing it on to us, i.e. in the context of a father-son (mother-daughter) discipleship relationship in the communion of the church. And this line of tradition not only about handing on the truth, but about living it out with road-tested Christian experience. (see 2 Timothy 1:13,14)
These same truths are taught by the Apostles Peter, John, James and Jude - and by the Lord Jesus himself.
So tradition is about 'receiving' and 'handing on'. And it is about guarding the deposit of the truth with faith and love by the Holy Spirit. We have because we have received, and we receive in order to hand on. That is the way each one of us came to faith. Someone told us the gospel and we believed. Unless you are in the category of the Apostle Paul, arrested on the way to Damascus by the Lord himself, it can be said of you "how can they hear unless someone preaches" (Romans 10). That is tradition. Likewise, as we grew as Christians we did so as we were taught and discipled by those mature in the faith. That is tradition. And as we continue to live as Christians we do so in the fellowship of Christ's church, submitting to those ordained to the ministry of the Word, and learning from those older (and younger) than us. That is tradition. It is the lifeline of the church. This is how the Holy Spirit has worked and continues to work.
What is the alternative to tradition? You might think it is pure Bible, uncompromised radical living and tradition-free life. But, actually, it is being limited by your own personal opinion, engaging in untested experiments in Christian living and the wallowing in the chaos of a church without a past or a structure. Not the body of Christ but more like an amoeba. I have been a Christian for about 30 years and in my experience these churches do not last very long. And, when they do peter out, those left behind may well go looking for answers in the oddest of places - or sometimes abandon the faith altogether.
So, when it comes to tradition, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches."
суббота, 30 мая 2020 г.
Timeline of Protestant Christianity in Poland

Besides Urdu Christians in Scotland, I am delighted that there are now a number of Polish believers in evangelical churches, as well as at least one fellowship group at a church and even a Polish church.
For the benefit of my Polish brethren, here is a timeline of some events in the history of Poland since the Reformation. (I will update this as I find more information.)

1549 Menno Simmons visits Mennonite Christians
1569 Dirk Philips founded the first Mennonite Church in Danzig. Soon there would be 1000 Mennonite Christians in Gdansk.
1556 Jan Łaski recalled to Poland, where he became secretary to King Sigismund II and was a leader in the Reformed church.
1560 Death of Jan Łaski
1563 Bible translated into Polish (Brest Bible)
1563 Polish Reformed Church (Ecclesia Major) loses non-Trinitarians, who break away to form Ecclesia Minor

1573 Warsaw Confederation, guaranteeing the right for Polish nobles to be Protestant or Roman Catholic
1588 Change of leadership in Mennonite church; Quirin Vermeulen deposed; church splits into Frisian and Flemish factions, reflecting divisions in Dutch church.
1595 Reformed–Lutheran Union in Poland fell apart.
1598 Dutch language Bible published by Polish Mennonites
1632 Gdansk Bible translated. This was the translation used by Polish Protestants up until the Warsaw Bible in 1975.
1638 Frisian faction of Mennonites in Poland purchase a building for church meetings and poor house.
1648 Flemish faction of Mennonites in Poland purchase a building for church meetings and poor house.
1656 Provisions of Warsaw Confederation annulled, ending toleration for Protestants
1658 Polish brethren, including the Vistula delta Mennonites are expelled from Poland
1668 Conversion from Roman Catholicism punishable by death
1671 Mennonite confession of faith by Georg Hansen
1717 Protestant nobility were stripped of all their political rights, public worship banned.
1724 Execution of Protestants, including two Protestant mayors.
1768 Flemish Mennonites complete German catechism
1764 Under enlightened king Stanisław August Poniatowski (1764–95), the Reformed quickly began to rebuild themselves from ruins.
1768 Political rights of Protestants reinstated
1786 Mennonite Christians start to emigrate from Poland to Russia
1808 Flemish and Frisian Mennonites in Poland reunited.
Some links to internet resources in Polish:
My thanks go to Krzysztof Rutkowski of Legatio for his help, updating this page and providing internet resources.
понедельник, 20 апреля 2020 г.
«Аще и во гроб» - пасхальный знаменный распев, славление (and English translation)
разрушил силы ада
и воскрес, как победитель,
говорил жёнам-мироносицам „Радуйтесь“,
апостолам дал мир,
и своим воскресением дал воскресение всем остальным,
и все праведники взошли с Ним на небо».
«Аще и во гроб» - пасхальный знаменный распев, славление
"He descended to the grave immortal,
destroyed the power of hell
and rose as a victor,
he said, "Rejoice," to the Myrrh-bearing women
gave peace to the Apostles
and by his resurrection he
gave resurrection to all the rest,
and all the righteous ascended with Him to heaven."
Kontakion for Easter (my translation)
четверг, 16 апреля 2020 г.
Воля Бога и свобода человека (1647)
Вестминстерское вероисповедание, глава 3, раздел 1, 1647
"God from all eternity did, by the most wise and holy counsel of His own will, freely, and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass: yet so, as thereby neither is God the author of sin, nor is violence offered to the will of the creatures, nor is the liberty or contingency of second causes taken away, but rather established."
Westminster Confession of Faith, chapte
r 3, section 1, 1647
среда, 1 апреля 2020 г.
Библейская истина и реальность (К С Льюис, Просто Христианство)
К С Льюис, Просто Христианство
воскресенье, 15 марта 2020 г.
What is your wall? (a reading of Nehemiah)

Since October I have been meeting up with a friend on a weekly basis to read through the Old Testament book of Nehemiah. Notwithstanding occasional interruptions, we have met up pretty much every week. Some of the passages have been really engaging, full of new insights and discussion points, while others, such as chapter 3 (a list of names of those who worked on which bit of the wall), have been harder work. But there hasn't been a passage we have got nothing from, albeit at times the passage has been a springboard to talk about other related topics.
Nehemiah, written at the time of restoration after exile in Babylon, is about rebuilding a wall.
Chapters 1-6 begin with Nehemiah, who is in government service for the powerful Persian Empire, hearing of the reproachable state of his home city. This drives Nehemiah to prayer, followed by boldly petitioning the Persian for permission to remedy the situation. While his compatriots catch his vision, he has to overcome the opposition of those "with no claim or historical right" to Jerusalem. In the end the wall is rebuilt - in a record fifty-two days - with the involvement of many in the city.
Chapter 7 represents a bridge between the two sections of the book.
Then from, chapter 8 onwards, the rebuilding continues, but now it is about rebuilding the community spiritually - another "wall" but of a different kind. This involves heeding God's Word and calling on Him in confession and worship, addressing the spiritual causes of the exile. I am still on chapter 9, so there is more to come...
As I have been long-term reading this book, a sermon I found helpful asked, "What is your wall?" In other words, what is the particular focus and task God has set you at the present time. I think I have an answer for me, but I wonder how you might answer that question?
пятница, 7 февраля 2020 г.
The origin of the Pentarchy (Five Patriarchates)
By the end of the first century the leading elder, who would preside at the church gathering, preach and celebrated the Lord's Supper, came to be known as bishop. It was he who was responsible for receiving, preserving and passing on the Apostolic Teaching.
In a further development the bishop in the capital city of a given province, which was often also the mother church (first founded), came to be known as the metropolitan and had certain rights over the other bishops in his province, who were known as suffragan bishops.
By the third century, the metropolitans in capitals of dioceses (provinces were grouped into dioceses) came to be known as exarchs, mirroring the political structure of the Roman Empire. For example in the diocese of Thrace, the bishop of Heraclea was an exarch, in Asia Ephesus and in Pontus Caesarea.
In 325 at the First Ecumenical Council at Nicaea, after the accession of Constantine, it was ruled as follows: "Let the ancient customs in Egypt, Libya and Pentapolis prevail, that the Bishop of Alexandria have jurisdiction in all these, since the like is customary for the Bishop of Rome also. Likewise in Antioch and the other provinces, let the Churches retain their privileges." (Canon 6)

We can see this pyramid-like structure (bishop-metropolitan-exarch-Constantinople) in canon IX of the Fourth Ecumenical Council: "If any Clergyman has a dispute with another, let him not leave his own Bishop and resort to secular courts, but let him first submit his case to his own Bishop, or let it be tried by referees chosen by both parties and approved by the Bishop. Let anyone who acts contrary hereto be liable to Canonical penalties. If, on the other hand, a Clergyman has a dispute with his own Bishop, or with some other Bishop, let it be tried by the Synod of the province. But if any Bishop or Clergyman has a dispute with the Metropolitan of the same province, let him apply either to the Exarch of the diocese or to the throne of the imperial capital Constantinople, and let it be tried before him."
At the same Council of 451 Jerusalem was granted autonomy from the See of Antioch and "the bishop of Jerusalem, or rather the most holy Church which is under him, shall have under his own power the three Palestines".
These five elevated episcopal sees, Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem, which enjoyed "jurisdiction" and "privileges of honour", were later designated 'patriarchates' by Justinian in 531.
Within the Empire Cyprus had autocephalous (autonomous) status from 431.
Outwith the Empire, the heads of churches were designated Catholicoi (singular 'Catholicos'), e.g. the Sassinian Church or the Armenian Church.
воскресенье, 26 января 2020 г.
"Писатель лишь начинает книгу, а завершает её читатель"
Это цитата Сэмюэла Джонсона (1709-1784гг), ученый, который написал первый словарь английского языка. Значение словаря сравнимо со Словарём Академии Российской для русского языка.
Цитируя Джонсона, я, конечно же, не сторонник крайне субъективного подхода к текстам, по которому значение текста якобы не в самом тексте, и не в авторском смысле, а в восприятии читателя. Я так не считаю.
В то же время, книга "ждет" ответа того, кто ее читает. Ответ читателя, в смысле не только реакции читателя, но и применения читателем посыла книги, завершает книгу. Можно сказать и в этом "цель" кииги. Это не означает, что читательский ответ как-то входит в состав книги. В этом смысле книга завершена и без ответа. Но, не произведя ответ, книга незавершена. И ответ читателя является своего рода "отзыва" книги.
Это можно сравнить с любовью. Можно представить себе влюбленного молодого человека. Он имеет сильные чувства к своей избраннице, совершает разные подвиги для нее. Они и без ее ответа совершенны, но если она принимает, отвечает ему взаимной любовью, то это завершает его любовь (ср. 1 Иоанна 4:17; Кол 1:24).
Если касательно текстов, а тем более Священного текста, то цитата Джонсона порождает понятие о разных "чтениях" текста. Иными словами, мое чтение, к примеру, послания к Галатам, будет отличаться от чтения того же послания в XVI веке. Или же разные чтения пророчества Иова в Сомалии или в Калифорнии. Можно это сравнить с зерном (семенем): в зависимости от почвы, в которой оно посажено, оно будет приносить разные плоды. Семя Евангелие - универсально, но плоды могут выглядеть по-разному в разных культурах и людях (самое главное, чтобы это были плоды, а не терны!).
четверг, 23 января 2020 г.
Точка зрения (или, Когда была записана книга Руфь?)
В библеистике есть понятие "Sitz im Leben", которое переводится как "жизненный контекст". Речь идет о том контексте, в котором был записан данный фрагмент Священного Писания. Например, повествование о сотворении мира относится и к описываемым событиям, и ко времени Моисея, который их записал. Например, выражение "земля же была безвидна и пуста" (Быт. 1:2) возможно отражает те условия в пустыне, в которых находился народ Божий в момент описания этих событий. Другой пример: переводчики Библии обращают внимание на Луки 5:19, где описание разбора крыши возможно отражает крыши из черепицы римских домов (ср. Марка 2:4).
Сразу же мы видим условный, субъективный характер этих рассуждений. Особенно, когда предлагается какой-то более радикальный вывод, такой как теория, что книга Второзаконие записана после Вавилонского пленения или другие подобные предположения. Порой, имеет смысл прислушиваться к мнению экспертов, но при этом надо всегда уточнять, на каком основании они делают данный вывод. Даже Katharine Doob Sakenfeld, сторонник поздней датировки книги Руфь, признает, что выводы основываются на "лежащих в их основе предположениях" (underlying assumptions) в том числе и касательно датировки других мест Писания, которые впоследствии используются для сравнения. К примеру, кто-то в принципе отвергает возможность пророчествовать о будущих событиях, или же предполагает множественное авторство у библейских текстов, которые якобы представляют собой некую "мозаику" из разных источников. Для подтверждения таких теорий потребовались бы древние рукописи отдельных составляющих кусков. А по факту мы имеем священный текст только в той форме, в которой мы читаем его в своём экземпляре Библии. Те незначительные различия, которые имеются, умещаются на полях наших изданий (или подробнее описываются в научных изданиях греческого Нового Завета и другой соответствующей литературе).
И все-таки, у нас нет причин отвергать понятие "жизненный контекст", ведь оно помогает нам верно воспринимать Слово Божье. На самом деле важно, что, к примеру, книга Руфь записана с точки зрения царства Давидова, ссылаясь на 4:18-22. В том числе и в этом посыл книги, авторский и божественный смысл. Также, учитывая стих 4:7, книга была записана во время, когда тот обычай (с сапогом) уже не практиковался. В этом смысле можно увидеть в стихе 4:7 тот же принцип жизненного контекста. В том же духе написан стих Судей 21:25: по логике он относится к тому времени, когда в Израиле уже был царь.

Выступая в пользу традиционной датировки, уже в 1976 г. Edward F. Campbell Jr. аргументировал, что написание книги относится к промежутку 950-700 гг. до н.э. Он, кстати, далеко не первым поставил под сомнение языковые и грамматические детали, якобы указывающие на более позднюю редакцию (речь идет о наличии или отсутствии "новых" форм слов и влияния арамейского на иврит). А по стилю, книга Руфь ближе всего к повествованию об Иосифе в книге Бытие или же к повествованиям о Давиде в 1-й Царств. Edward F. Campbell Jr. посчитал, что упоминание о царстве Давидовом и защита его права на престол, были бы странными в контексте V века, когда уже не было царей. Kirsten Nielsen в 1997 поддерживает примерно такие же выводы.
Более того, интересующийся может, к примеру, читать здесь научную работу, относящуюся к 1911 г., которая полноценно и убедительно отвечает на разные доводы в пользу поздней датировки (несмотря на то, что сам автор разделяет разные либеральные убеждения о Св. Писании).
Возвращаясь к общему вопросу о жизненном контексте, с которого начали, хочется отметить, что он имеет место быть и даже имеет основание в самом тексте Св. Писания (Руфь 4:7). С другой стороны, нужно признать условный характер выводов, поскольку они основываются на малом количестве фактов, которые можно толковать по-разному. А должный трепет перед Словом Божьим, о котором Господь сказал "Не может нарушиться Писание", влечет за собой и трепет перед процессом написания, и перед историей сохранения Священного текста.